
4C’s To Build A Simple, Optimized & Approved App in Native, Hybrid or HTML5

4C's to Build A Simple Mobile App in Native, Hybrid or HTML5

With an exponential increase in mobile devices across globe in the form of smartphones, phablets and tablets it is never-ending challenge for app developers to provide one-to-fit-all type of app. There are multiple factors like the OS type, Form Factors, Compatibility, Scalability, IT Governance, Provisioning, IT Security and above all Cost Clarity or Financials.

So let’s try to break these challenges into 4C’s consumed by MMADP (Molecular Mobile App Development Platform):

1) Create:

2) Connect:

3) Compile:

4) Certification:

MMADP coding structure helps you meet the key certification criteria as mentioned below –

Moreover it also assists with App Optimization features like,

Wish to try MMADP…click here

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