About Tic Tac Go
Tic-Tac-Go is the newest location based social media game. It will allow you to play class game tic-tac-toe. This game is the perfect combination of social networking and gaming. It allow users and their friends to play a location based check-in game without requiring both to be in the same place. It uses Foursquare.com API to get near by location around the user and use it within the application.
- FourSquare API Integration
- Push Notifications on various activities by friends
- Connection Facility to Facebook Friends, Gmail Account Friends, Contact list
- Gameboard Creation – Based on User Location
- Boosters to enhance winning possibilities
- Badges to cheer application user’s
- Level Assignment to players
- Social Media Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare
- Attractive Animation on Game Winning
- Easy navigation and quick access to variety of features
- Like / Comments on various check-in

iOS Development
- xCode IDE
- Apple iOS SDK
- UI Kit, Store Kit
- Social Framework
.NET Development
- .NET Core 2.0
- Visual Studio 2017
- MSSQL with Extensive use of Stored Procedures
- C#
Important Achievement:
Location based game creation (using foursquare api locations) between users who can play remotely with each other even from different continents as well. Application is having advanced back end could based server architecture setup to manage heavy user traffic from game users and to manage concurrent user requests with proper load balancing and file storage servers etc. Customized business logics to manage badges through back end control panel for game players. Nice animations applied when users have won the game (confetti and fireworks animation).